Board Members
Trinity Christian Academy is governed by a Board of Trustees with the primary function of acting as the guardian of the mission of the school, to develop the major institutional governance policies, to hire and evaluate the Head of School as its single employee, and to be responsible for the institutional welfare, financial viability, and stability of the school.
The Board appoints out of its membership such standing committees and other ad hoc committees as it may deem necessary for the performance of its duties. No more than one half of the Board shall be members of the same denomination at any time.
The Board is self-perpetuating, with a systematic Board-appointed nomination and election process in place to fill vacancies resulting from the expiration of terms. The executive leadership of the school is the responsibility of the Head of School.
Chair, Chad Wilson
Vice Chair, Fancher Sargent
Treasurer, Erica Mauldin
Secretary, Meg Nethery
Monte Cooper
Bo Lawrence
Michael Page
Nathan Plunk
Kyle Rookstool
Matt West
Herron Yarbrough
Drew Yates
What makes Trinity Christian Academy unique? In 2012 my wife and I had a rising Kindergartener and a 3-year old at home and were asking ourselves this very question. Twelve years later we find ourselves with four children at TCA in the 12th, 10th, 5th, and 3rd grades. Obviously, we found our answer.
In that search for schools a decade ago, we quickly realized that there is no perfect school. If you are looking for a perfect school, you’ll never find it. Each school has its own set of strengths and weaknesses. We discovered the strengths of TCA centered around offering a well-rounded educational experience in the context of a tight-knit community that shared a few things in common: A Common Faith, Common Beliefs and a Common Commitment.
The TCA community shares a common belief that Jesus Christ is the center of all things. We believe that His work of redemption is the grounds for all things good. This saving work of Christ gives us hope for our lives, hope for our families, hope for school, and hope for society. As a result, everything that is taught at TCA is taught through the lens of the Gospel. This also means that we seek to cultivate a grace-filled community that is pursuing Christ-likeness.
The TCA community also shares a set of common beliefs. We believe that the Bible is God’s Word, infallible in its original context and inestimable in its worth for Christians. We believe that God exists as Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and that this Trinitarian God set out long ago on a rescue mission to deliver men and women from their sin for his Glory. We believe in so much more, and these beliefs are articulated in our by-laws and are reviewed and affirmed by all prospective families through the application and interview process.
The TCA community shares a common commitment to be tethered to a local body of believers. The Christian life is not a lone ranger mission, but a challenging pilgrimage that requires the help of fellow travelers to make it across the Jordan. In other words, we need each other, and we believe that the Church is God’s ordained means to provide learning, encouragement, and accountability for God’s people. So we covenant together that we will be committed to our churches to help our families grow in the Christian faith.
So why should you care about these unique distinctives of TCA? First of all, you can learn from like-minded families. If we share all the things in common that I mentioned above, then we can sharpen and encourage one another in the challenging task of raising our children. It also means that your children will be surrounded by other children that should be taught the same essentials you are teaching at home. This certainly does not guarantee that all students at TCA will live these out, but it does provide a higher probability of these values being emphasized at home.
God has called Trinity Christian Academy to assist Christian families and their churches in providing a Biblically-directed, academically excellent education that equips students to be Godly leaders and servants in their homes, churches, and communities. At the end of the day Trinity’s mission is a three-pronged partnership between families, their churches, and the school. One of the roles of the board at TCA is to encourage and guard this mission, and we are honored to do so.
My family and I have been truly blessed by our partnership with TCA and we look forward to the blessings that are yet to come in the years ahead.
Chad Wilson
TCA Board Chair -
Clay Crockett
Brad Anderson
Jeff Becker
Charles Byrd
John Campbell
Becky Chaplin
Carl Chaplin
John Cole
Jim Crenshaw
Jim Diffee
James Dusenberry
Grady Flack
Bob Freese
Sam Gregory
Aaron Grissom
Kelly Harris
Earl Henning
Mike Hewitt
Ron Hill
Mary Hubbard
Tom Hubbard
Kim Johnson
Scott Lackey
Mark Lane
Just Miller
Steve Vos
John Williams
Ford Williams
Bo Lawrence
Frank Lawrence
Mark Layne
Gary Lockhart
Vincent Matlock
Clay McCormack
Pat McGrath
Larry Murphy
Nancy Nanney
Carla Nichols
James Page
Houston Payne
Pepper Pratt
Paul Priddy
Neal Rager
Judy Rice
Tommy Rice
Jeremy Ross
Tim Smith
Jim Strait
Tony Taylor
Fran Thomas
Roger Ulselton
Bill Williamson
Tim Wilson
JD Favara
Will Weddington
Bart Walls
Matt West
Herron Yarbrough
Brian Walker