Student Guidance
Helping Students Achieve Success
Serving Students
TCA has a dedicated support team serving our Middle and High School students.
The Guidance Office provides monthly newsletters for each high school grade to keep them updated on community service, mission trip, and scholarship opportunities, as well as testing deadlines and college representative visits.
The Guidance Office also meets individually with students to assist all Middle and High School students with scheduling classes, testing (ACT/Pre ACT, pSAT), Dual Enrollment courses*, community service hours, and athletic eligibility requirements for high school and college.
Additionally, our Guidance Office coordinates report cards, transcripts, college fair, Awards Day, and Parent/Teacher Conferences.
*TCA is partnered with Union University and Jackson State Community College to offer Dual Enrollment classes.
Click here to access the Dual Enrollment Policy.
Right Where They Need to Be
Our Guidance Office and Student Support Staff help students stay on track for graduation and the future. The dedicated staff helps each upper school student create class schedules, keeps track of community service hours required for graduation, provides academic newsletters with the latest scholarship opportunities, and meets with seniors multiple times to prepare for college applications and graduation.
Beyond High School
The TCA Guidance Office provides support during the Upper School years, but exists to help lead students to life after Trinity.
The Guidance Office prepares students by providing scholarship opportunities, testing information, preparation and tutoring, college entrance guidance (including financial aid), and college and career planning.
Middle School and High School Testing
TCA offers the Pre ACT for grades 8th through 10th. This assessment is a valuable college preparatory tool that promotes higher-order thinking and processing.
Pre ACT includes the following:
Longitudinal college and career readiness assessment that tracks student growth and is built upon the same rigorous foundation as the ACT test.
In addition to measuring achievement, Pre ACT serves as an indicator of college readiness and is excellent preparation for the ACT.
Like the ACT, Pre ACT tests in the academic areas of Mathematics, Science, Reading, and English.
Pre ACT test scores enable us to track and evaluate student’s progress in order to strengthen learning and instruction for each student.
As our students become more and more familiar with college readiness assessments, we anticipate a continual progression and an increase in Pre ACT and ACT scores and in overall learning.
NCAA/NAIA Clearing House
During our Senior Parent meetings every fall, guidance briefly talks about NCAA requirements. We provide a folder with important Senior information, and NCAA and NAIA information is included. Student-athletes meet with Guidance to receive a College-Bound Student-Athlete Guide for NCAA Eligibility. Guidance uploads transcripts for these students to the NCAA Eligibility Center and the NAIA Eligibility Center. Guidance works with the Athletic Director and student-athletes on this process.
To register for NCAA Click Here
To register for NAIA Click Here
Vicky DeBerry
Director of Guidance
Lauren Petty
Guidance Assistant
Nathan Bibb
Part-Time Guidance Assistant