Visual Arts
Recognizing that all good gifts come from our Heavenly Father and that each student is created in God’s image – a creative image, Trinity’s Fine Arts Department seeks to develop our students’ God-given talents through a variety of experiences. These range from individual art projects and small group ensembles to large company productions. Each experience seeks to develop the individual student as he/she participates in a project bigger than himself. Participating in the fine arts is not about chasing accolades, creating a stellar work of art, or even a perfect performance, but rather it is about bringing students together to complete a puzzle – a puzzle where each piece is vital and intended to reflect the Lord’s creativity and generosity.
God is the Creator of the universe; after he designed and created every part of nature around us, he designed us in his own image! Therefore, God had intended for humans to be creative beings as well. God is the supreme Artist! He has given each one of us creative and artistic talents and gifts; it is our responsibility to develop these gifts as much as possible and use them to glorify him. What is great about being a Christian and an artist is the fact that we know that God created the world around us. Whenever we portray the world in our artwork, we are honoring God. Art class enables us to realize and acknowledge the world around us, which God has created.
High School
This course provides students with two and three-dimensional design experiences and opportunities to apply these principles in individual artistic expressions. Drawing from observation and developing technical competency using a variety of media are emphasized. Periodic class critiques and the maintenance of a sketchbook and portfolio are required. Explored media include but are not limited to graphite, ink, colored pencil, watercolor, tempera paint, acrylic paint. Subject matter students will explore include portraiture, architecture, landscape, and many subjects of the student’s choosing.
Art 2 provides students with the opportunity to further explore media and to begin to develop their own style of creating artwork. They will be applying the Elements and Principles of Art to create more personal artistic expressions. Drawing from observation and developing technical competency using a variety of media will be emphasized. Periodic class critiques and the maintenance of a sketchbook and portfolio are required. Explored media include but are not limited to graphite, ink, colored pencil, watercolor, tempera paint, acrylic paint. Each student will determine most of the subject matter he/she deals with. Students will be learning to think critically about art. They will be introduced to many artists both from the past and more contemporary artists. Students will begin to create conceptual artwork that goes beyond just the technical aspects of creating artwork. They will learn to use the technical aspects of creating to support the conceptual aspects of their work.
Art 2 Honors is a year-long course which provides students with the opportunity to further explore media and to begin to develop their own style of creating artwork. They will be applying the Elements and Principles of Art to create more personal artistic expressions. In the Honors class, students will be doing an extensive unit on drawing from observation and still life. They will be developing technical competency using a variety of media. Explored media include but are not limited to graphite, ink, colored pencil, watercolor, tempera paint, acrylic paint. Each student will determine most of the subject matter he/she deals with. Students will be learning to think critically about art. Periodic class critiques and the maintenance of a sketchbook and portfolio are required. Sketchbooks for my Honors students play a huge role in strengthening their ability to see and to draw what they see in front of them. They will have weekly and quarterly sketch assignments that will be done outside of class. They will be introduced to many artists both from the past and many contemporary artists. Students will begin to create conceptual artwork that goes beyond just the technical aspects of creating artwork. They will learn to use the technical aspects of creating to support the conceptual aspects of their work. In working toward more conceptual artwork, students will research and even learn to do critical writing about their own artworks.
Art 3 is a year-long course which provides students with the opportunity to explore media and to develop their own style of creating artwork. Students will be applying the Elements and Principles of Art to create personal artistic expressions. Students will be exploring the conceptual aspect of art. They will be creating conceptual works that are based more on ideas than simply aesthetics. They will be using the technical skills learned in previous classes to create work that is aesthetically pleasing and that conveys specific concepts of the students choosing. They will learn to use those technical aspects of creating to support the conceptual aspects of their work. They will be gaining a greater understanding of why people make art, how art has meaning within its culture or society, and how art has the power to impact the world around us. Drawing from observation and developing technical competency using a variety of media will continue to be emphasized. Periodic class critiques and the maintenance of a sketchbook and portfolio are required. Explored media include but are not limited to graphite, ink, colored pencil, watercolor, medium transfers, and acrylic paint. Each student will determine most of the subject matter and concepts he/she deals with. Students will be learning to think critically about art. They will be introduced to many artists both from the past and more contemporary artists. Towards the end of the course, students will be writing an artist statement that describes why he or she creates art and that describes what defines his or her personal style of creating.
Art 4 Honors is a year-long course where students will be taking everything they have learned in their previous three art classes and will start to create work which is true to who they are as artists. They will be working much more independently on assignments and will be constantly working to continue to improve skill but to try to make work which identifies them as a unique creator. They will take skills they are comfortable with and try to “stretch” their techniques and methods in ways that might add to their process of creation or may add to their conceptual aspects of their works. The goal is for the Art 4 student to know who they are as an artist and to understand what that gifting can be used for in the future. Art 4 students spend many hours planning and doing introspective writings to critically think about their work, about themselves as artists and about and the art world around them.
In this course students will gain skills in one or more of the following areas: page design, advanced publishing techniques, copy writing, editing and photography while producing a creative, innovative yearbook which records school memories and events. There is an emphasis on journalism skills and meeting deadlines in this class. Participants gain useful, real world skills in time management, marketing, teamwork, and design principles. This course also examines legal and ethical issues of media law and copyright.
Middle School
Our program is discipline-based, meaning that we focus on the four disciplines of art–art production, art history, aesthetics, and art criticism. Students will be exploring a variety of media. They will be exploring drawing, painting, printmaking, and sculpture. Students in Middle School Art with get a basic understanding of the Elements of Art and the Principles of Art. Students will also learn about important artists and their influence on the world around us. Furthermore, students will be learning to take a closer look at the world God created and will be representing it through creative means.
Elementary School
Students meet weekly for arts and crafts to explore and create in an environment designed specifically for their age. Artwork is displayed in various ways, such as hallways or the Heritage banquet.
Students in Trinity Christian Academy’s Little Lions – Fifth Grade receive a discipline-based art curriculum that provides age appropriate art experiences. The visual arts are taught from a Biblical perspective. Students work with a variety of media. Basic concepts include art vocabulary, lives of artists, elements of art, color wheel principles, and imitating master works.