High School Athletics
Champions On and Off the Field
TCA students are taught the values of persistence, commitment, and teamwork through participation in our successful athletic programs.
Trinity’s athletic department supports 13 sports and fields over 40 middle school and high school teams each year. Approximately 74% of all students participate in athletics, and TCA has seen continued success.
Dexter Williams
Athletic Director
Darren Bowling
Assistant Athletic Director
Holly Adcock
Athletic Assistant
NCAA Clearing House
During our Senior Parent meetings every fall, guidance talks about NCAA requirements. The Guidance Department provides important Senior information, and NCAA and NAIA information is included. Student-athletes meet with Guidance to receive a College-Bound Student-Athlete Guide for NCAA Eligibility. Guidance uploads transcripts for these students to the NCAA Eligibility Center and the NAIA Eligibility Center. The Guidance Department works hand in hand Athletic Director and student-athletes on this process.
Athletic Resources
Athletics Handbook
Physical Forms
Physical Form Upload
Concussion Return to Play Form
Volunteer Driver Form
Parent Consent Transportation Form