Recognizing that all good gifts come from our Heavenly Father and that each student is created in God’s image – a creative image, Trinity’s Fine Arts Department seeks to develop our students’ God-given talents through a variety of experiences. These range from individual art projects and small group ensembles to large company productions. Each experience seeks to develop the individual student as he/she participates in a project bigger than himself. Participating in the fine arts is not about chasing accolades, creating a stellar work of art, or even a perfect performance, but rather it is about bringing students together to complete a puzzle – a puzzle where each piece is vital and intended to reflect the Lord’s creativity and generosity.
God is the Creator of the universe; after he designed and created every part of nature around us, he designed us in his own image! Therefore, God had intended for humans to be creative beings as well. God is the supreme Artist! He has given each one of us creative and artistic talents and gifts; it is our responsibility to develop these gifts as much as possible and use them to glorify him. What is great about being a Christian and an artist is the fact that we know that God created the world around us. Whenever we portray the world in our artwork, we are honoring God. Art class enables us to realize and acknowledge the world around us, which God has created.
High School
High School Percussion is a one semester music class designed for the high school student not involved in an arts performance class, such as band, choir, or theater. In this course, students will gain an understanding of a variety of musical concepts, such as music notation, music history, and the relation of music to our contemporary culture. Students will also be introduced to the playing of a variety of percussion instruments. This course will be mostly a participation course, as the students will be heavily engaged with hands-on activities. There will be a couple of performances outside of the classroom, including a performance at an instrumental music concert, as well as performing as a drum line in at least one athletic event.
High School Band is an instrumental course designed to give students experience in the study and performance of a diverse repertoire of instrumental/band music. The course will include instruction in proper instrumental technique and performance skills, as well as exploring music theory and music history. This course also provides students with the options of further musical advancement through participation in honor band clinics, such as All-West Band Clinics and the University of Tennessee at Martin Honor Band Clinic.
High School Choir is a vocal music course designed to give students experience in the study and performance of a diverse repertoire of vocal/choral music. The course will include instruction in proper vocal technique and performance skills as well as exploring music theory, music history, and ethnomusicology. The course is constructed to focus on God’s design for music as a means of worship, communication, creativity, and self-expression.
Advanced Honors Choir is for students who have already completed at least one year of high school choir. This music course is designed to integrate aspects of melody, harmony, texture, rhythm, form, musical analysis, elementary composition, and to some extent, music history and style. Musicianship skills such as sight-reading, listening skills, and dictation are also incorporated. Students in this course are expected to lead vocal warm-ups, serve as section leaders, and participate in the All-Northwest Honor Choir audition process
Middle School
All music classes meet during the school day as part of the auxiliary offerings.
6th Grade Band
7th & 8th Grade Band
Pep Band
6th Grade Choir
7th & 8th Grade Choir -
Christmas Concert
Mission Outreach to greater Jackson community
Spring Concert
Jackson Choral Festival (depending on choir size and dates)
Treble Honor Choir – 6th grade
All Northwest Junior Honor Choir – 7th & 8th Grade
All West Band – 7th & 8th grade
*These special music offerings are audition-based and co-curricular.*
Elementary School
Students meet weekly to explore basic music concepts in a hands-on and age appropriate way. Moving to music, using puppets, playing with musical manipulatives, and playing singing games are just a few of the exciting ways students explore music.
• Grandparent’s Day
• Christmas Concert
• Spring Concert -
Music plays a very important role in the life of students at Trinity Christian Academy. Our goal is to glorify God by instilling in our students a love of music and an appreciation for beauty as expressed through music, and by developing the God-given talents of each student. The Pre-Kindergarten and Kindergarten years are exploration years in music. Students learn to sing simple songs and play small instruments, such as rhythm sticks. Concepts taught include echoing melodies, keeping a steady beat, recognizing simple rhythms, and moving with the music. During the 1st-3rd grade years, students are developing their singing voices. They also learn how to read music. Concepts include the staff and key signatures. Students also learn the instruments of the orchestra. Hymn histories are included in the curriculum, as well as stories of well-known composers. At the 4th and 5th grade level, students use their knowledge of the staff and time signatures to play music on recorders. The curriculum is called Recorder Karate. With each new skill they learn, they play off songs in order to earn belts. Students continue to learn hymn histories and stories of famous composers.
Understanding that musical development helps students in all other academic areas, all 5th grade students will participate in a year of beginning band. The band will meet twice weekly during the school day, allowing students to explore an instrument, increase his/her music reading skills, and participate in a large group band.
4th & 5th grade students will participate in a Christmas musical.