Upper School

Preparing for College and Beyond

Upper School at TCA is Grade 6-12. Our High School offers students an environment in which they are challenged to think critically, use higher-order thinking skills and engage with curriculum that will prepare them to be successful in their college careers and beyond. They cultivate lasting relationships with faculty and staff, who are purposeful in seeking to help students discover and identify their gifts and talents in relation to academics, the arts, athletics and leadership/service opportunities. Most importantly, the faculty and staff seek to help students understand their identity in Christ and how to grow into faithful disciples of Him.

School Profile Link

TCA Student Honor Code (Grades 6-12)

The High School Experience

  • 1:1 student to Google Chromebook ratio for technology integration in each classroom

  • Online access to grades, tests, and quiz assignments for parents and students

  • HS Bible course offerings for all students 9-12 including: Missions in Focus, People of Faith, and more…

  • Director of Student Ministries and team dedicated to student discipleship

  • Harbor Groups—High School small groups led by TCA faculty for mentoring, discipleship, and service opportunities

  • College and career preparatory class for Juniors that helps students plan and prepare for life after TCA

  • Collegiate lab space for High School Science courses

  • College preparatory school with dual enrollment and AP course offerings

  • Foreign Language instruction in Spanish

  • All High School students complete a minimum of 80 hours of community service upon graduation

  • Weekly High School Chapel

  • REACH program available with dedicated teachers to assist with diagnosed learning differences

  • Dual enrollment opportunities

Some Co-curricular Opportunities and Special Highlights

  • Student Government Association

  • History and English Europe Trip

  • Athletics: Football, Basketball, Golf, Tennis, Soccer, Baseball, Softball, Cheerleading, Volleyball, Track, and Cross Country

  • All West and Northwest Honor Choir

  • Student Ambassadors

  • National Honor Society

  • Spanish Club

  • Media Productions Club

  • HOSA Future Health Professionals

  • Senior Retreat to Victory Ranch

  • Junior and Senior Prom

Graduation Requirements

For graduation from TCA, 27 credits and a minimum of 80 hours of community service are required. This is above the requirements of the State of Tennessee.

Community Service Policy | Community Service Form

To graduate with Honors, a student must also have a 3.50 GPA and 5 honors credits (all final course grades must be a “75” or higher).

To graduate with Honors with Distinction, a student must also have a 3.75 GPA and 8 honors credits (all course grades must be a “75” or higher).

Grading Scale

A 100-93
B 92-85
C 84-75
D 74-70
F Below 69

Middle School Academics

Preparing for High School and Beyond

At TCA we strive to create a “meaningful middle” that helps enable our students to find success in every facet of their school experience–academics, co-curricular activities, and their relationships with peers and adults. In our challenging yet attainable curriculum, students will find opportunities for service and leadership that foster their growth in personal responsibility, encourage cultivation of their unique God-given gifts and help them learn how to care for others.

The middle school years are vitally important for educational and spiritual growth. Our goal for students leaving the eighth grade is that they would be fully prepared for the rigor of high school and beyond. We partner with parents like you to help shape the emotional, spiritual and intellectual growth of middle school students to be young Champions for Christ.

The Middle School Experience

  • Introductory Lion Prep course for all 6th grade students to help with Middle School transition

  • Forge Groups—Middle School small groups led by faculty for mentoring, discipleship, and service opportunities

  • Intentional focus on Writing, Language Arts, and critical thinking

  • Honors track beginning in 8th grade

  • 1:1 student to Google Chromebook ratio for technology integration in each classroom

  • Bible course offerings for all Middle School students

  • Foreign language course in world languages for all 8th grade students

  • Weekly Middle School chapel service

  • REACH program available with dedicated teachers to assist with diagnosed learning differences

  • Online access to grades and assignments for parents and students through FACTS and Google Classroom

  • STEM Lab Class and Robotics opportunities

Some Co-curricular Opportunities and Special Highlights

  • 6th Grade Huntsville Space Center Trip

  • 7th Grade Creation Museum Trip

  • 8th Grade Washington DC Trip

  • Student Ambassadors

  • National Junior Honor Society

  • Athletics: Football, Basketball, Golf, Tennis, Soccer, Baseball, Softball, Cheerleading, Volleyball, Track, and Cross Country

  • All Northwest Junior Honor Choir

  • Middle School Ensemble

  • Middle School SGA

Grading Scale

A 100-93
B 92-85
C 84-75
D 74-70
F Below 69