Vision Plan 2026
At Trinity Christian Academy, we see a bright future ahead as we work to equip the godly servant leaders to come. Part of ensuring that future is casting vision for expansion and the growth ahead. Consider partnering with us in our Vision Plan 2026. The goal of this three-year campaign is to increase facilities and financial accessibility, while ensuring TCA will continue to increase the impact of our mission for generations. Focus areas for Vision 2026 include Financial Aid, a future Endowment, and Facilities Enhancement. A parent meeting unveiled this three-year plan on Monday, October 20, 2023. All donations will be used to advance the gospel of Jesus Christ through Christian education at TCA. To God be the glory!

Building Expansion in 2023
In the fall of 2023, we broke ground on an additional education space, additional handicap parking, improvements to our softball facilities including new restrooms, and more updates throughout our campus.

Vision for the Future
In preparation for the future of TCA, our property has been assessed for a master plan that would maximize our campus footprint and meet projected needs for generations to come. Some of these plans include the following:
Early Education Building
Relocation of the Upper School Soccer Field
Additional Parking
Indoor Multi-use Facility
Extension of on campus roads
and more!

Can I give a designated gift?
Absolutely! Through the Vision 2026 campaign, you can designate a gift to one of the following areas:
Facility Enhancement
Financial Aid
Future Endowment

Legacy Giving
As followers of Christ, our hope is that the legacy we leave is one that impacts the world for God’s glory. What better way to impact the next generation for the Kingdom of God than through Legacy Giving to Trinity Christian Academy. By giving to our Endowment or by including us in your Estate Planning, you are ensuring a Trinity Christian Academy education is available for the generations to come.
If you are interested in giving toward our Future Endowment or for more information regarding Estate Planning, contact the TCA Development Office at 731.668.8500. We will walk you through the process so that you can leave a legacy of faith and ensure a bright future for TCA tomorrow.

How Can I Give to TCA?
Click here to give online to the Heritage Fund.
Click here to give to the Visions 2026 Plan.
Mail checks to:
Trinity Christian Academy
10 Windy City Rd.
Jackson, TN 38305You can notate with an enclosed letter or in the memo section of your check how you wish to allocate the funds. If you have any questions, please reach out to the TCA Development Office at 731.668.8500.
Pledges may be made for donations to the school. This allows donors to spread payments out over a period of time. Trinity can set up an automatic draft from your checking account as payment for a pledge to the school. Contact the TCA Development Office at 731.668.8500 to begin your giving.
Honorary gifts recognize individuals or occasions, while memorial gifts honor individuals who have passed away. Gifts are recognized with a card sent to the honoree or family of the memorialized individual.
Many companies match their employees’ charitable donations. Enclose a matching gift form from your company with your donation, and Trinity will complete and submit the form to your company.
Trinity Christian Academy accepts gifts of stocks and mutual funds which may be advantageous for some donors. Please consult with your financial advisor to discuss this charitable option.
Planned giving can include securities, trusts, life insurance policies, real estate, or personal property. Before creating your estate plan, please consider how Trinity Christian Academy aligns with your philanthropic goals and consult your financial advisor to learn more about this option.
Gifts to Trinity Christian Academy on or before December 31st will be considered tax-deductible for that year. Checks must be dated and postmarked on or before December 31st. Stock transactions must be initiated on or before December 31st.
If you have questions about giving to Trinity Christian Academy, please reach out to our Development Office at giving@mytcalions.com or call 731.668.8500. Thank you for partnering with us.
Ashley Clampitt
Admissions and Development Assistant