High School Cross Country

Our cross country teams seek to pursue Christ through the physical, mental and emotional demands of cross-country training and racing. We believe we are God’s handiwork and that He has gifted each athlete with unique talents both on and off the course to be developed over the course of seasons; it is the coming together of talents and passions from each athlete that contributes to the fabric of each unique team. Cross-country mimics God’s call on our lives to step out in faith, do hard things and be vulnerable and open to His leading. It builds us up by breaking us down. It is not a sport of instant gratification, rather a sport that has a unique journey for each athlete and team.


  • Jennifer McGillivray

    Head Coach

High School Cross Country Athletic Achievements:

  • 2020 (Boys)
    2019 (Boys)
    2018 (Girls)
    2017 (Boys/Girls)
    2016 (Boys/Girls)

  • 2018 (Girls)
    2017 (Girls)
    2016 (Girls)