Alumni Leading at TCA

This year at TCA, we have two newly appointed Principals. What you might not know is that BOTH are TCA Alumni who have chosen TCA for their careers in education. Check out our Q & A with them below:

Q: Where did you go to college?

Mr. Loyd: I graduated from University of Tennessee, Knoxville in 2009, and completed my Master’s Degree from Assembly of Theological Seminary in 2021.

Ms. Hall: I graduated from Union University in 2014 and am currently working on a Master’s Degree.

Q: How long have you been at TCA?

Mr. Loyd: This is my 7th year as a part of the faculty at TCA.

Ms. Hall: This is my 10th year!

Q: How do you feel TCA prepared you academically for college?

Mr. Loyd: The academic rigor at TCA ensured that I possessed the knowledge and the study habits to succeed in college both in undergraduate and graduate studies. 

Ms. Hall: TCA definitely prepared me for college. TCA challenged me to be academically excellent in all I do. Whether I was writing a paper, preparing a speech, calculating math problems, or studying for an exam, I always felt equipped to accomplish the task. TCA also provided dual enrollment opportunities which allowed me to enter Union with college credits and helped me with time management skills.

Q: How do you feel TCA prepared you spiritually?

Mr. Loyd: TCA prepared me spiritually by providing me with a firm foundation in my faith. The Biblical knowledge I gained in Bible classes and chapels was invaluable, but what impacted me the most was the example my teachers set to practically demonstrate what it means to live out my faith. 

Ms. Hall: TCA prepared me in many ways spiritually. The faculty and staff taught me how to look at everything through a biblical lens. I learned how to study God’s Word through Bible class and chapel. TCA equipped me with tools to defend my faith and share the gospel with others. Lastly, they taught me how to be a leader and the importance of disciplining others.

Q: Why did you choose TCA for your career in education?

Mr. Loyd: The most important factor that led me to choose TCA for my career in education is that I wholeheartedly believe in the mission of TCA. Part of my draw to return to TCA was that I want my own children to experience Christian education and to learn from godly men and women who will disciple them and show them how to live out their faith. Another reason I chose TCA is that I believe God has equipped me and called me to partner with Christian families so that their students can learn how to step into all that God has created them to be, while receiving an excellent education. 

Ms. Hall: When I first began my career in education, I did not think I was going to teach at TCA. I was planning on entering public education. The Lord had different plans though. He started to stir in my heart a passion for Christian education. After a phone call from Kristie Tims, I applied to TCA. When I interviewed, I knew I was home. TCA feels like family. I have always had a heart for discipleship and education. Having the opportunity to disciple and educate the hearts of our students is a true blessing. I am thankful for the opportunity to give back to the school that poured so much into my life.

Q: What is your favorite thing about being principal? 

Mr. Loyd: I have always loved working with students to help them grow academically and spiritually. I still get the privilege of working with students everyday, but my favorite thing about being a principal is that I now get to be more directly involved in partnering with our parents and in leading our incredible faculty and staff. God has blessed TCA with top-notch Christian educators, and it is my goal to support them so that they can thrive in doing what God has called them to do.

Ms. Hall: It is rather new! One of my favorite things about being principal is the opportunity to engage and interact with all of the students throughout the day and not just a class of 18.

We at TCA, are so thankful to have such terrific, discipleship driven, gifted leadership who are also Alumni! To learn more about TCA Alumni, check out our Alumni page.


First Look Days at TCA


TCA in Numbers