Mission Spotlight - Casa Aleluyah

Over Spring Break, several TCA students are heading back to our Mission Partner, Casa Aleluyah, in Guatemala. They need your help! You can donate items or participate in our loaded tea sales! Items will be collected through March 1st! There are 3 more weeks of the loaded tea sale for Middle and High School students and faculty. Each tea is $10 and this is a big fundraiser for our students.

The History of the Partnership

Casa Aleluya is a ministry in Guatemala providing medical services, shelter, food, education, and family support to children and families in crisis through the lens of scripture. Over 400 children live there at any given time and are exposed to God’s word, introduced to the hope of Jesus Christ, and have their physical needs met.

TCA has partnered with Casa and Guatemala for nearly ten years. This partnership began with Spanish Club sponsoring pizza parties and fun events for the children who call Casa home. Since then, this partnership has grown to include multiple mission trips, students collecting and distributing clothing to children there, and even a marriage! Alumni, Charissa Hughes Ruiz, class of 2019, met her husband in Guatemala during a TCA mission trip. As a result, Charissa’s sister-in-law, Michy, came to TCA as a student and graduated in 2018.

“The partnership between TCA and Casa Aleluya is one that is a true connection and loving relationship. The staff, kids, and all included in Casa Aleluya treat anyone as their own and see TCA students and faculty as family. They make you feel wanted and appreciated by the way they selflessly receive anyone and everyone. The strong bond between Mrs. Tuchez and the people of Casa Aleluya is seen by their care for her. It opens doors for the relationships that we create with the children in our time in Guatemala. Being able to feel love and friendship with the children and staff of Casa Aleluya was an incredible experience that I am so grateful was provided by the partnership with TCA.” -Anna Willard, TCA senior

“God has blessed my family beyond my greatest expectations. To be a part of the TCA family means being around others who are like-minded and who show the love of Christ in a practical way by creating opportunities in which the students can serve those in need. I am reminded of James 1:27 which states that “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.” TCA recognizes that and creates opportunities for its students to live this out. Being a part of this family has also allowed me to grow professionally and personally. God has used TCA to equip me to fulfill his calling on my life inside and outside of the classroom.” -Mrs. Estela Tuchez

It is incredible educators like Mrs. Tuchez who teach our students not only important subject matter, but equip them through example, time, and intentionality to live out their faith in the world that set a Trinity Christian education apart. TCA is thankful beyond words for the Tuchez family and their invaluable place in our community. We look forward to seeing how God uses our partnership with Casa Aleluya for years to come!


Upper School Parent Meetings


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