New Branding, Traditional Roots
Throughout the 2022-2023 school year, TCA began a rebranding process. The goal of this process, was to move in a direction that was more industry standard in education and a consistent brand that tells the story of TCA. Throughout this process, we took a look back at branding of the past, our school’s mission, and Trinity’s Foundational Doctrines to ensure that the legacy of TCA was held to as we preserve its future.

A look through some of Trinity’s oldest branding, shows a theme of the cross at the center of a book. This represents Christ-centered academics, the very foundation and purpose of TCA. The new Academic Seal has this at its center with the words “Discipleship, Leadership, Service, and Community” encircling it. These words come from the Mission Statement and Foundational Doctrines of TCA and represent what makes Trinity, Trinity. We are a discipleship school, partnering with Christian families and their churches in this great work. We have a focus on developing leaders of the next generation to be used for God’s glory as they pursue the path and calling He has for them. TCA instills the value of service, with a commitment to equipping students to lead through a humble heart of ministry as we partner with local and international mission partners. TCA also strives to build a community that is outward focused, noticing the needs of those God has placed around us. This leads us to value having a safe, vibrant community where all can belong while maintaining a love for our local community and desire to see it thrive. Trinity Christian Academy’s aim is to assist Christian families and their churches in providing a Biblically-directed, academically excellent education that equips students to be Godly leaders and servants in their homes, churches, and communities. We have been doing this since 1986 and will continue in this pursuit for years and years to come!