Trinity Tribes Kickoff!!
Discipleship is a vital part of student life at TCA. This year, our discipleship programming is being restructured as the Trinity Tribes. In years past, K-5th Grade student discipleship groups utilized the tribe model with all new students and kindergarteners being sorted into their tribe during a ceremony at the beginning of the school year. This ceremony involves students walking up to a giant gumball machine with the color gumball they receive revealing their tribe! They students already in tribes cheer and celebrate each new member.
This year, our faculty surprised all of our students and invited all of the current TCA students who were in tribes to be “welcomed home”! This meant that Upper School students currently in 10th grade and below who were at TCA in Lower School were able to head back to their tribe. All 11th and 12th grade students were sorted into a tribe as were all other Upper School students who joined the TCA family later. Now the entire TCA family is united behind these tribes with all students and faculty sorted into one of the following:
Kutumika (Yellow) – Servanthood
Integritás (Blue) – Integrity
Amamus (Red) – Compassion
Fiel (Green) – Faith