Educator Spotlight: Former TCA Pre-K Teacher, Winnie Fields

Mrs. Winnie Fields is a TCA legend. With a career of 18 years as a TCA educator, her plans to retire from teaching were both well deserved and bittersweet. But Mrs. Winnie did not step away from teaching to relax and enjoy time with her husband, Terry, though that would have been absolutely understandable. She stepped out of teaching and into a calling appointed from the Lord for the next chapter of her ministry. Together with her husband, they put their faith in God’s plans, and began an adventure that would take them from their home and roots in West Tennessee to Utah. There, they would help plant a church among one of the most populated Mormon regions of the country. This act of faith required sacrifice, selling their home, most of their belongings, and uprooting their lives to form a new life in Utah reaching the lost and helping a church get off the ground.

Mrs. Winnie Fields has been a faithful follower of Christ for many years as she and her husband were a part of the ministry of Northbrook Church here in Jackson. The church they are now a part of in Utah is Christ Fellowship Church, which was started by Union graduates Timothy and Haley O’Day and Zach and Courtney Thompson in American Fork, Utah. This church began in 2018 with the Fields joining the team in late 2020. Their hope is to bring the good news of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to their community, where most people are a part of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (LDS) or Mormonism.

If you aren’t familiar with the LDS religion, it may seem as though they worship Jesus as Christians do. However, their beliefs are in a historical Jesus and not a Biblical Jesus. The LDS believe that Jesus existed and did some good things, but not that He is a part of the Trinity (the Christian belief that there is ONE true God in three persons: God the Father, God the Son who is Jesus, and God the Holy Spirit). They also do not believe that salvation comes through grace by faith from the substitutionary sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross (His death, burial, and resurrection). As Biblical Christians, our beliefs are based on scripture and as a Trinity Christian Academy community, we align on these beliefs.

The Fields and the believers of their church are actively working to reach the people in American Fork, build relationships with them, bring them to Christ, and disciple them. Their church is currently meeting in a local movie theatre and is actively working toward having their own space. If you are interested in supporting them, contact Mrs. Winnie Fields! She would also love to hear from former students and their families.

“I loved being at Trinity because of the way everyone cared about each other and worked toward the common goal of educating students with Biblical standards. It was rewarding to see students grow up and follow some all the way through high school.”

Check out this great article What do Mormons Believe About Jesus? and further your understanding in the differences between the LDS religion and Christianity.

Also, to contact Mrs. Fields and see how you can help their ministry in Utah, email or text 731-343-5355. Please pray for their church community and for the Lord’s work in the hearts of those they come in contact with. We are so proud of you Mrs. Winnie and thankful to see how the Lord is using you!


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