Identity in Christ

At TCA, starting this year, students in K-12th grade will have the same monthly emphasis in Discipleship groups to break down our annual theme, Genuine - Romans 12:9-13. For the month of September, that emphasis is Identity in Christ. Our hope is to share with you the emphasis we will be discussing each month, so that you as parents can also talk about that topic with your students. For resources, check out our Discipleship page. Below is a word from Ms. Hall, our Lower School Director / Principal. Hear from her as she shares her story of the impact TCA discipleship had in her life.

The very first time I walked through the doors of the TCA campus on Old Denmark Road as a Kindergarten student, I knew TCA was a special place. At the time, I did not realize the impact it would have on me. One particular day in middle school, I remember sitting on the splintery, wooden bleachers in the gym during chapel listening to Coach P share the gospel message. His message that day was on the importance of having a relationship with the Lord. He talked about what it looked like to place our full identity in Christ and not in the world. I left school that day impacted by the words he spoke and realized I did not have a true relationship with the Lord. I went home that night and gave my life to Christ. As I sit in my office at TCA today, I am overwhelmed with gratitude for the founding families that saw the importance of providing a Biblically-directed education with an emphasis on discipleship. I am thankful for the faculty and staff that saw the importance of speaking truth in my life.

Now I get the privilege to be a part of continuing the mission of TCA. The student ministry team is excited as we kick off our discipleship groups in Upper and Lower School this week. Each month we will have a focus of the month. In September, we will be focusing on what it means to place our identity in Christ. I encourage you to talk to your students about what they are learning each month. I also ask that you pray with us for hearts to be open and changed as we pour out truth to our students each week. Thank you for your partnership with TCA and your investment in Christian education.


Leah Claire Hall

Lower School Director/Principal


College Prep - Upper School Update


New Family Tailgate