College Prep - Upper School Update

Parents, are you wanting to check in with your student’s academics as you look toward college plans? Reach out to us. We are here to partner with you and your student as they plan for their future calling.

  • Testing

    -Juniors will take the PSAT test October 17th from 8a-12 in the chapel.

  • College Visits

    -Thursday Sept 28th, seniors will visit Union University to attend the Jackson area wide College Fair.

    -Trevecca University will visit the high school students during their lunch this Friday, Sept. 29th.

    -The University of Memphis at Lambuth will visit the high school students during their lunch Friday, October 12th.

  • TCA Seniors have now completed the TN Promise Application and most are registered to vote in the next Presidential Election.

  • The end of the 1st quarter is October 13th. Finish strong lions!

If you have any questions, contact


Booster Club Update


Identity in Christ