
Jennifer Mikkelsen Jennifer Mikkelsen

TCA vs Carroll Academy Recap

TCA hosted its 17th annual basketball game against Carroll Academy. Carroll Academy, an Adolescent Intensive Day Treatment Program, serves students referred for behavioral plans. The event offers Carroll Academy students a rare chance to feel supported, as TCA students wear purple to cheer for their teams and green/black to support Carroll Academy. It also provides TCA an opportunity to demonstrate the love of Christ to the Carroll Academy athletes.

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Jennifer Mikkelsen Jennifer Mikkelsen

Fine Arts Strawberry Fundraiser

The Fine Arts Guild is hosting the Strawberry Fundraiser on behalf of the TCA Fine Arts.

All forms and money are due by TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 18th to the Homeroom Teacher or the Main Office, though they can be submitted earlier. Any forms or money submitted before the 18th should be turned in at the Main Office.

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Jennifer Mikkelsen Jennifer Mikkelsen

Basketball Homecoming

What an unforgettable night for TCA! The Lions and Lady Lions both came out on top against Fayette Academy, with two big wins! And a huge congratulations to Emma Orr, our Homecoming Queen!

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