
Katy Simpson Katy Simpson

TCA in Numbers

Get a birds’ eye view of what is going on at TCA by seeing it in numbers. From academics, to athletics, to fine arts, and everything in between.

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Katy Simpson Katy Simpson

New Branding, Traditional Roots

Throughout the 2022-2023 school year, TCA began a rebranding process. The goal of this process, was to move in a direction that was more industry standard in education and a consistent brand that tells the story of TCA. Throughout this process, we took a look back at branding of the past, our school’s mission, and Trinity’s Foundational Doctrines to ensure that the legacy of TCA was held to as we preserve it’s future.

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Katy Simpson Katy Simpson

Booster Club Update

Updates from the TCA Booster Club. Our main organization for supporting TCA Athletics.

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Katy Simpson Katy Simpson

Identity in Christ

At TCA, starting this year, students in K-12th grade will have the same monthly emphasis in Discipleship groups. For the month of September, that emphasis is Identity in Christ. Our hope is to share with you the emphasis we will be discussing each month as we walk through our annual theme of Genuine, so that you as parents can also talk about that topic with your students. Hear from Ms. Hall, our Lower School Director / Principal on her story of the impact of TCA discipleship in her life.

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